The Difference Between Direct democracy and Representativearchy


The Difference Between Direct democracy and Representativearchy

A government is the body of elected officials or the regime of people ruling a nation, usually a country. The head of the state is called a president, and the members of the legislature are called representatives. There is a high constitutional role and authority for these representatives to perform, as they are entrusted with the responsibility of leading the nation.

A democratic polity has government power established by the people through their representative assemblies. They have the power to make decisions, but they can only do so if they have the consent of the governed. This is a form of direct democracy. Under such a system, citizens can make use of the media and other popular forms of communication to make sure that their elected leaders can get the support of the masses for their policies. Direct democracy is a way of self-rule, where the population makes key decisions through a process of popular opinion.

Although there are some differences between a direct democracy and a republic, they are both systems of government based on representative democracy. A republic has no single political power, instead each political power is held by a small group of individuals. If a small group holds all the political power, then this is called a democracy. A democracy has a single ruling party that controls all major decisions. A monarchy, on the other hand, consists of a king or a queen who rule a small group of people, perhaps numbering in the thousands.

Both a democracy and a republic are systems of government based on representative democracy. A republic ensures that citizens have a right to meaningful participation in the political parties that control the affairs of the nation. In capitalism, the ruling party makes all of the decisions. Citizens have no say in the decisions made. Citizens are not allowed to stand up and make demands for change in the political parties, or for better goods and services.

As long as everyone agrees with the rules, then a system of checks and balances exists and checks the minority rights of citizens. If the minority of citizens feel that they have been disrespected, then they can file lawsuits against the majority, which has the power to go to court to prevent discrimination against them. If the minority gains enough support, they can change the political parties and introduce changes that benefit them. The end result of this process is a democratic government where the majority rules and the minority is protected by law.

In a truly representative democracy, all citizens have a right to vote and have their say in how their government is run. All citizens can change laws and the political parties through free elections. A truly democratic government makes sure that all citizens have a right to an equal amount of representation in the House, Senate and White House. All representatives are elected based on merit, not party affiliation.