Making Money With a Travel Blog – 3 Things to Keep in Mind

Blog Travel, the latest entrant in the blogosphere, has exploded over the last few months with its innovative travel theme and integration of blogging into traditional PR. Bluehost, a top level blog host, has taken the blog travel theme to a new level by adding “blog tour” features to all of their web hosts. Now, any blogger can take their blogs on any type of internet tour that they wish. This trend is quickly gaining momentum and will undoubtedly become a blog culture of its own.

The idea behind travel blogging is simple enough. Bloggers can take their blogs from one location to another, offering information about their previous stops along the way. This information could include reviews, stories, or tips about their experiences. If a blogger chooses, they can even write a book about their entire experience. Of course, this only makes sense if travel blogging is truly meant for the traveler.

Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are great tools for bloggers who want to spread the word on their blog tours. These sites allow them to create posts immediately and make them available to everyone. Bloggers can use their social media profiles to advertise their blog, as well. Just make sure the posts you make on these social media profiles are relevant to the sites in question. You don’t want to promote your blog through an ad posted on a social media site about a completely unrelated topic.

Another way to find success with a travel blog is to follow long-term readers of a particular blog. A long-term loyal reader of a blog is an easy target for a travel blog promoter. The more targeted the audience, the better. If you find a long-term loyal reader on a major social networking site, talk to them about joining the blog. They may have prior experience with the blog’s topic and be willing to give their name and email address to help spread the word.

The last thing a long-term reader of a blog would not be interested in is an advertisement. The average blog viewer is looking for information, so an ad will not appeal. You will have to do a bit of explaining about your blog and linking to it. You will need to mention how long it has been online and what it has to offer people who are considering traveling a long-term while also offering information about the three years before they plan to go somewhere.

So, what are the things to keep in mind when starting a travel blog? The first is to create a good theme or topic to get started with. Your theme should be interesting, informative, and diverse. Traveling is a large subject with multiple ways to approach it, so your blog needs to appeal to readers of all tastes. If you keep this idea in mind as you get started, you will get started making money from your travel blog quickly.