What exactly is a government? A government is a group or system of individuals ruling over a society, usually a country. The governments of most nations around the world can be classified as “republique governments” because they are ruled by a central government which controls the legislature and the public press. There are many different types of governments and it can sometimes be difficult to tell what type of government you have because each government tends to have its own strengths and weaknesses. However, it’s important to understand what all the governments have in common to form an overall classification of governments.
The most common type of government is a democracy. A democracy is ruled through elected representatives of the citizens. These representatives are often selected by the voters through a process of voting and election. In countries that have a highly developed market for businesses, a democracy is frequently combined with a welfare state such as health care and education. In other countries, these elements are sometimes combined with centralized control through large companies or corporations.
Although we tend to view modern days democratic governments as epitomes of modernity, a true democracy does not exist without a recognized and established political system. Without a political system that is recognized by the people, a democracy cannot progress beyond representative democracy. In most modern times, representative democracy has been replaced by what is called a constitutional monarchy. This form of government tends to be a much less defined form of government and often tends to change quickly from one era to another.
Although there are both types of government, they are usually not found in the same constitutional setup. A democracy will set up and maintain a constitution that defines its rules and structure. Constitutions are written documents that spell out the legal rights and duties of citizens. They also decide on various aspects of how a country’s government should function including taxation, the functioning of the Senate and House of Representatives, and the qualifications of all members of the political systems. Because a constitution is a written document, there are very few exceptions to the rule and it is generally accepted worldwide that all written constitutions must be accepted as law by citizens.
Authoritarian governments are generally ruled through a single entity – a president, prime minister, a parliament, and military junta – with a defined set of laws. Authoritarian governments tend to be autocratic, meaning that there is no other established authority that can challenge the general rules. Authoritarian governments are also limited in terms of their ability to change laws and are prone to coups d’etat if the ruling party feels they are losing their grip on power.
Modern-day democracy is characterized by mixed governments, which are decentralized formations of elected representatives form various groups within a country. It is often described as a hybrid of autocratic and constitutional forms of government. Modern-day multiparty elections are seen as an attempt to balance the presence of various parties in a country. In some cases, a single party maintains absolute power, while in others there are multiple parties competing for support within a framework of a constitutional system. Modern-day multiparty elections tend to result in governments with limited government.